Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out of the Box Reading

I had a phone call a couple of days ago from a woman in Manitoba, Canada (we have a great number of people there using either eReadingPro or Out of the Box Reading program with their child or students). She commented that their school Psychologist had recommended using the Out of the Box Reading program, but that she tried to look it up online (outoftheboxreading.com) but was unable to find it. Therefore, I thought I might try and clarify things...

I was a founding partner of Out of the Box Reading. However, the partnership was dissolved almost a year ago, at which time I created eReadingPro. The actual eReadingPro Complete kit is based on the original Out of the Box Reading kit, with the program and kit content being exactly the same (except for the logo). With eReadingPro, we now offers more options as far as what people can purchase (for example you can purchase eBooks).

If anyone has any further questions, I would be happy to address them! Thank you :-)

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