Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mom Blogs & Reading

One of the things I've learned alot about in the past few months is blogs - and more specifically mom blogs. It just seems to be the thing to do now! There are blogs about just about everything!!!

My favourite blog, and the one I've found really fun to read is The Mom Crowd. It was created by four women who are moms and moms-to-be who value each other’s experiences and decided to share this with the world. What a great idea!

One of the women from The Mom Crowd, McKenna Powell, has a beautiful little girl with Down syndrome. She has started using eReadingPro and has written about it in her blog. She is so excited because her 3-year old is reading! McKenna said: "The best part of this program is it has improved her speech! When she sees the flashcard with the word on it, she is articulating so much better than she did before. Her little voice is just way too cute when she says “pancake.” I am seeing results MUCH FASTER than with the other program we were doing. It requires much less energy and time on my part as well, and Darah seems to engage very well to this program."

You know, people are so amazed when their children begin to read. It is such a magical time! A whole new world has opened up to them! Keep in mind that your child CAN read - it's just a matter of figuring out how to teach them in a way that works best for them. MOST children are visual learners and need to be taught in a visual manner - (reinforced by both auditory and tactile techniques). Check out Reading and the Visual Learner and 5 Reasons Why Your Child May Be Struggling with Reading for more clarification on this.

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