Friday, May 20, 2011

eReadingPro Article in SEN Magazine

SEN magazine in the UK recently published an article that I, Denise MacDonald - Founder of eReadingPro, wrote called One Word at a Time. The article talks about why a 'hands-on, whole-word approach' to reading is the most effective way to teach children with Down syndrome. I hope that you enjoy reading it!

This magazine is a bimonthly magazine that features articles on topics such as:
  • all major conditions (such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome)
  • mental health
  • literacy and numeracy
  • visual and hearing impairments
  • behaviour
  • teaching children with special educational needs
  • general issues of education, care and government legislation
  • manual handling
  • special schools and mainstream schools.
SEN Magazine is delivered to ALL Special Needs schools in the UK - isn't that amazing? You can read numerous articles via the website at:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As the parent of a 38-year-old daughter with Down syndrome, I appreciate the others out there who are letting the world know that our kids are precious and wonderful. I have written a novel, A SPY AT HOME, that features a young man with Down as one of the central characters. I invite you to read A Spy At Home. The Amazon link is Thank you!
Joe Rinaldo