Monday, December 19, 2011
eReadingPro and Dyslexia
Jane is 8 years old and when I started working with her she was essentially not reading or writing at all. When asked to spell her first and last name, she spelled her first name (almost) but was unable to spell her last name at all. So we began there.
I started by making large flashcards, 8 1/2" x 11" with her first name and last name, along with her family members' names. I flashed them to her three times a day for a few days in a row, saying each word as I showed her the flashcard. She mastered them VERY quickly. Then I cut out individual letters that made up her first and last name. I showed her how to match them up underneath her name flashcards, and then had her try. The next day I had her try them without referencing the flashcards. She struggled a bit in the beginning, but eventually mastered them to the point where she could spell the names aloud without any textile material to assist.
The next step was to introduce the phonetic components for her names. I wrote out the phonemes and had her match these underneath the appropriate flashcards. We moved some of the phonetic components around and created new names - which she found quite humorous!
The next step was to begin with the vocabulary from eReadingPro. Rather than following the schedule as it is in the program, we 'skipped' every other day, thus moving through the program at twice the speed. She has thrived on it! She learned each word very quickly, occasionally 'guessing' incorrectly at words which looked similar to each other. We have now completed the first third of the program, and will begin the next third in January when school reconvenes.
In addition to using the reading program with her, there are some other activities that I've integrated which really helped her:
1. I wrote the names of the week on flashcards. Weekly I have her put these in order on the floor, saying each one aloud, and using the song "Days of the Week" to assist her. The song reinforces things for her every, single time we do it. We look for and discuss similarities in the words, and discuss the sounds that are different as well as the letters.
2. I wrote the names of the months on flashcards and did similar exercises as above with these words. We discuss what events take place in each month such as weather, special holidays, etc. which will help her to remember the months.
3. We have added in a workbook that focuses solely on phonics and sounds. Initially she would reverse the small ones, such as 'up' she would identify as 'pu', 'at' as 'ta', etc. She is improving with practice, although she finds these exercises very difficult and does not enjoy them as a result.
4. I have cut out letters and we 'build' small words by replacing one letter. For example, I will lay out the letters 'p' _ 't', and place the different vowels in the middle, saying the new words aloud with her.
5. Her teacher printed off sheets for learning to print letters, which show the arrows where to start, and the correct formation for each one (starting at the top, etc.). When a child understands how letters are to be formed, it helps to build a better foundation for writing and spelling These worksheets can be found here: You can choose the vocabulary words that your child is working on for school, and writing them out will help them to remember how to spell them.
6. At the end of our sessions, I often let Jane use my iPad and 'play' eReadingToGo! She learns each word quickly and loves to look at the colorful pictures.
The idea of starting off with the whole words first was simply to train her brain that the words represent something. After she started identifying the words with the images of the 'things' they represented, it was easier for her to recall the words. After this step we can then show the child how to break down the word into letters and sounds, and then put it back together again.
I am thrilled with Jane's progress, as are her teachers and parents! Jane has begun to write words spontaneously in class, and is using her word attack skills to steadily increase her reading vocabulary. Bravo!
These techniques can be used with ANY child learning to read, and I guarantee you that they will make a difference.
Friday, May 20, 2011
eReadingPro Article in SEN Magazine

SEN magazine in the UK recently published an article that I, Denise MacDonald - Founder of eReadingPro, wrote called One Word at a Time. The article talks about why a 'hands-on, whole-word approach' to reading is the most effective way to teach children with Down syndrome. I hope that you enjoy reading it!
This magazine is a bimonthly magazine that features articles on topics such as:
- all major conditions (such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome)
- mental health
- literacy and numeracy
- visual and hearing impairments
- behaviour
- teaching children with special educational needs
- general issues of education, care and government legislation
- manual handling
- special schools and mainstream schools.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The eReadingToGo! app OR the eReadingPro CD?
Parents are wondering which one they should 'start' using with their child first: the eReadingPro 14-month program OR the eReadingToGo! app. The answer is this:
The eReadingToGo! iPhone/iPad app is meant to be used as an 'educational tool'. Kids love using iPhones and iPads as they are new and exciting technology. They are incredibly intuitive with them and love to press buttons, try things and look at what the colorful screen has to offe

In conclusion, the app is not meant to replace the full program, but rather to assist with it. It can also be used as an add-on after the child has completed the full 14-month program as a way to introduce new vocabulary.
We thoroughly hope that your child enjoys using our app and that you also enjoy using the eReadingPro 14-month program with your child!
Friday, April 22, 2011

As mentioned in a previous blog, many articles have been written about how beneficial iPads and iPods can be for children - particularly children with special needs. Using an iPad (or something similar) is a stress-free, fun way for a child to learn - and all children tend to be quite intuitive with them - sometimes even more so than their parents! These amazing little gadgets are cheaper than a computer, portable, and most apps can be purchased on iTunes for under $10.
As you may know, eReadingPro is a 'system' for teaching reading that is extremely helpful in teaching children with Down syndrome, Autism, Dyslexia and all other visual learners. In keeping with the trend towards technology, we have created an iPad/iPhone/iPod program called eReadingToGo!
eReadingToGo! follows a similar system as eReadingPro, in that it takes a child from reading single words, then into couplets, phrases and sentences. To my knowledge, it is (as well as our full reading program) is the ONLY app that uses such a system to help a child progress from just learning single words. After all - it is important for children to learn how to use words - not just the words themselves. One of the popular comments I often hear from parents is "my child has a vocabulary of about 75 words, but they just can't seem to use them in a phrase or sentence - they just have single-word utterances". Our system helps a child to overcome that, as it teaches them how words are put with other words in a meaningful way.
eReadingToGo! offers a free sentence so that you can get an idea of how our app works. Then, within the 'free' app, you will see the book options. You can purchase one complete book for $1.99, which contains 5 sentences and 5 matching images. Or, the best deal is to purchase all 5 books for only $7.99. That means 25 sentences with 25 matching images that are clear, colorful and engaging. These books will provide hours of fun and learning for your child.
If you're like me, you don't want your child playing just mindless games on their gadgets all the time. As one of our customers has already said: "With three young children it's always hard to maintain interest while at the same time educate. This app is fun, engaging, and develops reading skills in natural and intuitive way. I would definitely recommend it!".
The app is ideal for those parents who have already been using eReadingPro to teach their child to read, as it has a whole new set of vocabulary. Keep in mind also, that eReadingPro was originally designed for children with Down syndrome - so it is an excellent tool for individuals with special needs. That being said though, this app was intended for use by ALL children learning to read.
If you would like to read more about eReadingToGo!, please visit the website at
CLICK HERE to download eReadingToGo! from iTunes and try it with your child!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Word Rings
A method I used with my own daughter when she was in Grade 1, was to create a word ring. Using poster board, cut cards approximately 2" x 6". Then punch a hole at one end of each, write a word on each card using a chisel-tip marker and ring them together with a metal ring.
Start with about 10 words that they are struggling with, or simply words that represent things they are familiar with. This could be things around the house, school things - anything really. Go through the group of words EVERY evening before bed. Once they have clearly mastered a word (say it aloud with no hesitation), remove it from the ring and replace it with a new word. You can have up to 15 words if you like - just don't have so many that it overwhelms them each time.
This simple idea will help to increase your child's vocabulary, and they will learn the spelling of the word as they learn the word.