Often after I have presented my reading program, parents ask if I also have any recommendations they can use with their children for math. While often offering a handful of strategies they may incorporate, I had yet to suggest a particular program.
However, after meeting Vikki, I believe I now have a math program that I would recommend. Maths Extra is a multi-sensory approach to the first years of mathematical instruction.
The system allows the student to:
- See pattern in numbers
- See connections between numbers
- See structures within numbers
- Picture base ten structures
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It is a system that Vikki used with her daughter Charlotte, who was born with Down syndrome, and was struggling with counting and the meaning of numerical concepts. Having such success with Charlotte, Vikki went on to introduce this system across the UK. Today she is an international speaker and presenter - which is how I came to meet her in Gibraltar.
Thanks for posting this. I have been lost on how to teach math to Morgan. She has done great with reading and implementing the steps of your program and flash cards. I will definitely look into this program. Thanks again.
Hey Heather, I'm so glad to hear how well Morgan is doing with eReadingPro. I hope you also find success with Vikki's program!
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