Wednesday, July 22, 2009
California here we come!
Calls and emails are beginning to take over my office once again as parents and educators begin to also get ready for their children returning to school in many states. eReadingPro workshops are being scheduled, and the excitement begins once again about the prospect of enabling more and more children in the quest for learning to read! If you're planning to host a workshop, be sure to book early - spaces are filling up!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
As you can see, I've been enjoying some time at our cottage and practicing my photography skills.
While summer is a wonderful time for exploring the gifts of nature, it's also a time for planning. We are currently booking eReadingPro workshops for this fall, and are excited about our destinations over the next few months! At the end of July we will be heading to Sacramento, CA for the 2009 NDSC Convention, and then only ten short days upon our return we will be flying to Dublin, Ireland for the 10th World Down Syndrome Congress. I'm looking forward to my first European eReadingPro speaking engagement, and to introducing our incredible reading program to a whole new area! Fall workshops will include more new territory for us when we present in places like North Dakota and Bermuda. Stay posted for more exciting locations!
Parents should remember that summer is not the time to set your reading program aside. Rather, it is the time to pick off where the teachers have left off, and continue the learning process with your child! Take your program on holidays with you - it only takes 10-minutes a day!